Sunday, October 01, 2006

In The Palm of a Hand ..... BC to Japan Touring Exhibiton

From October 19 to November 13th, the Gallery of BC Ceramics plays host to a special collaborative exhibit: In the Palm of the Hand, a collection of 50 juried ceramic works from British Columbia and 38 from the city of Tajimi, Japan. One of the pieces is mine, a single bud vase which was made while I was in Denmark. It's a great exhibit concept - in 2005, as part of its 50th anniversary celebration, members of the Potters Guild of BC sent their work to Japan to be displayed next to works by Tajimi artists. The title of the exhibit was inspiried by each piece, which fits within an 8-inch wooden cube that is used for transport and display. Tajimi City, sometimes known as the ceramics capital of Japan, is situated north of Nagoya in Japan. Together with neighbouring town, Seto, the area forms one of Japan’s key centres of traditional pottery. The area has generated several styles, including Oribe, Ki-Seto and Shino, which have come to symbolize the Japanese aesthetic in ceramics. Today, ceramic sculptures line the main street of the city. Sounds like a perfect partner city for Vancouver!

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